I've got a lot of ideas at this moment, but I wonder if I could write them all before I have already forgotten them.
Environmental issue - there are many storms this year. My friend in Hong Kong told me there were three typhoons in a week or two. Hurricane Ernesto and John are now in the America, despite one in the East and one in the West. Flash floods, mudflows and landslides are found in Nepal and Cambodia. I know there are many natural disasters in other parts of the world, but the aboves are what I realize by now.
I was talking with my friend few days ago about the end of human life. Long time ago I read a news that our power resources could only provide us for 30 years more. Then we talked about how man might disappear from the history. My friend said it might be like some disaster movies. I do not want to elaborate much, yet the fact is now out there - we have increasing storms every year. We also have frequent volcanic eruptions, tsunami and earthquakes. We then have desertification whereas floods happen in many places. Global warming is well-known and is obviously affecting our life and our environment. All this looks a signal to us that we are in serious danger.
What can we do for it? We are talking about sustainability and are always discussing what we should do, but we do not often work out - or when we attempt to some people withdraw. California passed a law to restrict the gas emission; my city signed an agreement with Guangdong government to control the air quality. Some people are doing, but it is not enough. California is part of the US, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor of California said the president did not carry out any policies to preserve the environment. It sounds like Arnold is working alone and the state is not very supportive. My city tries to reduce the air pollution from the factories in South China, but it does not cope with the problem of air-conditioners. This city has too many air-conditioners that heat the city. My view is not board enough to tell the things happen all around the world, but they are enough to reveal part of the truth, at least for me.
However the problem is too complicated that it's like impossible to have it solved. It involves social, political and other factors. Our technology is not enough for us to survive. It develops everyday, but our pace of destroy is much faster than the possible solution invented. Notwithstanding pessimism, the conclusion of my friend and I is we cannot help our death at all. I do not want to say this and I hope it would not be like this. Meanwhile I think everything has their end. Human would be gone someday, as most things cannot survive forever.
Religion issue - this is really my personal opinion that does not mean to harm anyone. Wars persist, partly due to the conflicts between races and religions. A piece of news said the Islamic called for an embracement of them by Christians. Then I think of the facts - some Muslims struggle for their interest and freedom by means of terrorism; the US suppressed them by invasion of Iraq and declaration of the Terror War. They use violence to solve the "problem", and I do not understand they cannot accept or tolerate the others. There may be many reasons - the temptation of power, the interest of profits, or the genuine liberty and freedom.
Nonetheless, what is liberty and freedom? Can we have them genuinely? We impose laws and regulations, and so we have to follow. In other words, we limit our freedom. We claim they are for the sake of ourselves, yet it is also really limiting ourselves. We need these rules to maintain stability. Most of the time what we call freedom or liberty is more like to happen only in utopia or heaven. And if it truly exists, people may find it bored. Man are sometimes contradictive.
My "intelligence" is not able to help understand the war philosophy anyway.
The book - I am still reading The Authority and the Individual. I have just read about the discussion of self-respect. Russell, the writer, said it is a virtue of minority. He talked about something I am very interested as well - "one of the most revolting features of tyrannies is the way in which they lead the victims of injustice to offer adulation to those who ill-treat them." He quoted the example of the Czar Nicholas period. What I think of is the 1937-1945 Japanese invasion of China. Millions of Chinese were killed. I read something before and it told me there was such a horrible case: in a place four Japanese soldiers killed 25 Chinese (I am not sure about the number of Chinese, but this is the number I remember anyway), and the Chinese did not try to fight or resist. They kneeled to wait for their death. Under certain degree of fears, people tend to stop asking or resisting. Instead they follow all rules blindly. I am not sure if it is true, but I have such a thought.
Now I turn into quite different subject discussed in the book. It is about managerial issue in an organization, such as a big company, the government or a society. And the frustration is very simple - the opinions down can hardly get to the top. When people in the low strata have complains, they have to pass through all the stratas to the top. It takes a long time, and the complains are usually supressed in the middle before it can reach the top. The writer suggested that small groups and small companies can help solve the matter, since everybody in small groups know each other and they are able to talk with each other directly. Opinions reach everyone and things get easy.
Apparently it is a good idea, but it is also idealistic.
I think of the optimum in economics, and in reality we can never know what optimum is. It is hard to control things to optimum. Similarly it is hard to realize the writer's idea. Man is very unpredictable. Even if the small-group idea is realized, some new problems will arise. Like we could never know what the best is.
I think that makes life interesting. We are not perfect.
I almost forget one interesting thing in the book (This book really has many interesting things). It says equality by itself is not enough to make a good society. A little demonstration - it does not mean good when everyone is a slave. Everyone is a slave, which means everyone is as low as one another, but it is not good despite the equality. The following is thought-provoking:
"...if liberty is as much valued as democracy, and it is realized that a society in which each is the slave of all is only a little better than one in which each is the slave of a despot. There is equality where all are slaves, as well as where all are free."
I have never thought about equality deeply. It is important but I have never thought whether it is enough to make a good society.
I guess it is interesting to think about how a good society is like, and I wonder whether it would exist one day before the human history comes to the end.
A new law in Cambodia - the last issue I want to talk about. I would make it brief as it is too obvious to find it ridiculous.
This is the piece of news:
Cambodia's parliament passed a law on Friday which could send adulterers to jail for up to a year.
The vote prompted a walkout by opposition lawmakers who said the law carried echoes of the Khmer Rouge and the Taliban in a country which should be tackling poverty and corruption instead of legislating about morality.
But the government argued the law would help reduce pervasive corruption by removing the temptation for officials to steal from state coffers to maintain mistresses as well as halting what it called a decline in morality.
"This law is also aimed at reducing corruption, because when government officials have more women, they seek more financial sources to support their girls," National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin said.
Sam Rainsy, chief of his eponymous opposition party, was not impressed.
"The government wants to distract the public from the important issues of poverty and the culture of impunity," he said of a country where 35 percent of the 14 million population live on less than US$1 a day and the powerful rarely face justice.
Many married Cambodian men keep mistresses if they can afford them and the government argued that making adultery a criminal offense would help shore up the family.
Some wives resent the unfaithfulness of their husbands to the point of violence.
(Source: The China Post http://www.chinapost.com.tw/asiapacific/detail.asp?ID=89467&GRP=C)
A law about adultery is used to reduce corruption. Does it make sense? It is very unbelievable. The news revealed how backward, illiterate and conservative the country is.
Yet it is still a good country, despite the people at the top. Well the "low" people can hardly reach the "top" - sounds familiar.
ps. I hope my English would not be too poor to understand. I want to improve but I always fail. I am very frustrated.