Saturday, March 25, 2006

V for Vendetta

Natalie Portman and Hugo Weaving

much better than expected. love Hugo. gloomy and quite meaningful story. what's the right answer.

Pretty Woman

Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in 1994/5.

a bit like cinderlla, more touching; i love it, so i downloaded and watched it again.

Friday, March 24, 2006

W創作社《梁祝 - 下世傳奇》

Main cast: 何韻詩 周國緊 梁祖堯 楊淇


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


featuring 梁祖堯

a bit like some kinda talk show, happy ending.

almost one-man show.

後半段梁祖堯飾演的基米高有一天在queer sauna重遇他的前男友ken wong, 他的理智告訴他不要做不要碰, 但他最後和ken wong去了一間房間

每踏前一步便警戒自己, 仍不管用, 即使再怎麼知道是多麼的下賤和失去自尊也沒用


台上的他緩緩走到一個下陷的位置, 代表那個任讓人淫樂的房間, 代表他跟了ken wong進去, 打著紅色的光照到他的影子; 他把身上僅有的一條蓋著下半身的大毛巾拿下, 背著觀眾祼身


Wednesday, March 15, 2006


by 宮崎駿

the scarecrow is very nice, and i also love howl very much.

of course could not miss the girl.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Love Letter 情書

岩井俊二執導, 中山美穗主演

how touching...

almost get weeped, only because there's somebody else.


i love the film.

"o genki deska?"


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Directed by Ang Lee, who has just won the best director in Oscar Academy Award 2006.

"Jack, I swear."

Some memories in Brokeback Mountain. it isn't a good story; people are selfish and weak.

the feeling is again crawling slowly.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Pride and Prejudice

elizabeth bennet and mr. darcy.

and i like this one more,

written by jane austen.