Thursday, December 29, 2005

安徒生故事全集[1] - 沒有畫的畫冊

the moon said in the nineteenth night,

"然而, 當一個人能夠哭出來的時候, 他就不會自殺了"

the story was about an actor. according to the moon, he had a deep sensation; he loved art, but art did not. he performed badly, and the audience mocked at him.

the moon saw him again a year later. in a small theatre, a poor group, the actor looked at the moon and gave a smile. however he had just been mocked again from the stage.

then the moon at the 19th night saw a hearse, no one behind. no one took part in the funeral procession.


"不久他的墳上就會長滿荊棘, 而教堂的看守人更會在它上面加一些從別的墳上扔過來的棘和荒草"

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